Primates in Virtual Space
The Cognitive Foundations of Social Minds
Creative Intelligences Across the Sciences
Primates in Virtual Space: Using Virtual Reality to Explore Intelligence in Humans, Apes and Monkeys
F.L. Dolins, J. Call, C.R. Menzel, K. Janmaat, M. Allritz, K. Schweller, M. De Guinea & E. McEwan
Scrub jays encode information about what is where and when, monkeys can report when they lack information, ravens plan for a future event, and great apes can even anticipate the behavior of others that possess false beliefs (Shettleworth, 2010). Nonhuman animals represent the world they perceive in sophisticated ways, but it is unclear whether they can also represent imaginary situations, an ability that endows humans with remarkable cognitive prowess. Could some of these remarkable problem-solving demonstrations be grounded on the representation of imagined scenarios? Our goal is to investigate whether nonhuman primates use representations of the virtual world 1) in a similar way to the representations of the real world, 2) to enhance their learning and planning abilities in the real world (and vice versa) and even 3) to mentally travel between virtual and real worlds. Next we justify our choice of research domain (spatial knowledge), multiple species (monkeys, apes and humans), and innovative methods (Virtual Reality) in addressing the challenge of Diverse Intelligences.
Research domain: Research on spatial knowledge has played a key role in uncovering animal intelligences. Spatial and temporal variability in resources and intra- and inter-specific competition likely drive the diversity of intelligences in the foraging behavior of multiple species. Marmosets and chimpanzees travel between distantly located but synchronously fruiting trees that are ephemeral and rare in their forested landscape using memory and planning of relatively direct travel routes (Garber, 1989; Janmaat et. al. 2013; 2014). The cognitive requirements for foraging are tightly allied with processing of social information (Cunningham & Janson 2007; Rosati, 2017) so that the ecological and social intelligence hypotheses of cognitive evolution may be complementary (Overington et al., 2008). By focusing on spatial knowledge, we maximize our ability to capture diverse intelligences because we 1) ask questions about ecological and social intelligence, 2) assess intelligence defined as computation of novel information derived from prior knowledge and experience - a perceptual restructuring of knowledge (Dolins & Mitchell, 2010), and the various related operations that develop including memory, inference, planning, equivalency, social coordination and communication, and 3) can study multiple species.
Multiple species: Capturing the richness of diverse intelligences requires the study of multiple species (Call et al., 2017). Our selection of chimpanzees, bonobos, humans and rhesus macaques is strategic in providing a relatively broad taxonomic coverage, and crucially, some insight into the effects of language training, computer-related experience and cultural upbringing on those abilities. Elucidating the origin and diversity of intelligence requires careful inter-specific comparisons of multiple species and intra-specific comparisons that shed light on ontogenetic influences. If humans solve spatial problems more flexibly and accurately than nonhuman primates, is this due to possessing better representations due to language usage? Does being raised within a language-rich environment, permit certain cognitive capacities to emerge in captive nonhuman primate species (by affording opportunities not accessible in the wild) (e.g., Levinson, 2003)? Some of the apes included in this study were raised in a language-rich environment and can communicate with humans using lexigrams on a computer touchscreen (link to Kanzi at the lexigram keyboard; Brakke & Savage-Rumbaugh,1995; Hillix & Rumbaugh, 2004; Lyn et al., 2011; Beran & Heimbauer, 2015). Other apes and monkeys included in this study are not lexigram-trained and so provide useful comparison groups. Rhesus monkeys have demonstrated considerable cognitive skills on computerized tasks including mazes (Washburn & Astur, 2003; Beran et al., 2015), video-tasks (Rumbaugh et al., 1989), matching-to-sample (Hopkins et al., 2002), numerosity (Brannon & Terrace, 2000), and psychophysical switching tasks (Avdagic et al., 2014), although they have not yet been tested using virtual reality (VR) as proposed to do. Their data will provide a broader comparison of spatial skills among apes and monkeys, and a direct comparison between traditional computerized displays and our current VR platform. Our human participants will include adults and children from three distinct cultural and linguistic groups: suburban United States, and in the Republic of Congo, the Bantu (farmers) and Mbendjele (hunter-gatherers). The Bantu and Mbendjele live in a shared village, with the Mbendjele dispersing into the forest to obtain food and other resources, while the Bantu farm nearby land. The Bantu speak Lingala, and their children attend school, read and write. By contrast, the Mbendjele speak their own language (Mbendjele) practice oral traditions, are not literate, do not traditionally use writing, and have no experience with modern technology (e.g., cars, planes, television, phones, computers). Focusing on multiple species maximizes our ability to capture diverse intelligences by 1) providing sufficient taxonomic coverage and, 2) allowing us to investigate the effects of language training, computer-related experience and cultural upbringing on ecological and social cognition.
Virtual Reality: We borrow the methods used in Artificial Intelligence and design a virtual world that subjects can navigate to obtain food items using touchscreen and joystick technology. As they move through the virtual environments, the view will shift accordingly, simulating real world perception. We use the term "virtual reality" (VR) rather than "3D video game" for sake of consistency with recent publications adopting this naming convention (Chouinard-Thuly et al., 2016; Dolins, et al., 2017). Although the subject is viewing three-dimensional objects on a flat two-dimensional screen rather than through a binocular headset, the essential feature of interactive first person immersion is maintained. Unlike classical computerized tasks, which typically present simple static stimuli (e.g., pairs of photographs or geometric figures) and require long training regimes (Shettleworth, 2010), we confront subjects with a much more complex stimulus array, both in terms of the number of elements present on the screen and the way they move and change positions. It may seem paradoxical to want to simplify the task by using more complex stimuli, but we expect that when those stimuli represent real-life scenarios (e.g., a landscape that moves as the subject navigates) this approach may be key to uncovering capabilities unobserved to date. There are several cases where making the task harder by increasing the number of steps, helped subjects succeed (Girndt et al., 2008; Schubiger et al. 2016). One great advantage of VR is that it provides experimental control and extreme flexibility, the opportunity to present simulated built or naturalistic environments, and to present the same experimental paradigms to multiple primate species and individuals with widely different experiences and backgrounds (Dolins et al., 2014; 2017). Since we cannot control previous experience in wild nonhuman primates, we do not know their specific knowledge base. With VR, we can control what they can know, what information they use to implement planning routes, and their navigational progress at choice points while still having the opportunity to create similar environments and challenges that primates face in their natural habitats. In preliminary test trials chimpanzees have been shown to readily adapt to this task.
Research aims: We focus on navigation and goal-directed foraging in a virtual world, investigating whether individuals remember food locations, visit the sites at an appropriate time, and outsmart potential competitors in order to forage efficiently in the virtual world. With increasing complexity aimed at emulating the challenges posed by space, time and social agents that primates routinely face in the real world our tests will assess multiple aspects of intelligence including memory, learning, integration, inference, anticipation, planning, and deception. We also focus on equivalency of virtual and real worlds: understanding symbolic representation - investigating the question of equivalency more directly by asking to what extent objects and locations in the virtual world are treated like symbolic representations of their real counterparts. Our series of experiments will test various aspects of this relation including analogical reasoning, iconicity and symbol use.
Our ultimate goal is to gather knowledge that inspires a general interest and sense of wonderment about the scientific process, and what new ideas it can uncover, stretching the imagination to unsuspected boundaries.
The Cognitive Foundations of Social Minds
F.L. Dolins, J. Call, K. Janmaat, R. Lewis, K. Schweller, M. Kleiman-Weiner & J. Tenenbaum
Cooperative behaviors are ubiquitous among animals. Ant colonies build complex nests, groups of songbirds mob predators, and wolf packs capture large prey. Yet, even children cooperate with sophistication exceeding many other animals (Schmelz & Call, 2016). Children spontaneously help others complete tasks, divide labor fairly, and communicate plans to solve social dilemmas (Melis & Warneken, 2016). Such behaviors are preludes to the unprecedented levels of cooperation displayed by adults when drafting social contracts or creating institutions. What are the origins and key ingredients of these cultural abilities that may distinguish humans from other animals? Are some or all present in our closest living primate relatives? Can this knowledge be harnessed to design systems capable of interacting with humans, cooperatively?
One idea is that the difference between human and animal cooperation lies in the psychological mechanisms underpinning joint action (Duguid et al., 2014; Warneken & Tomasello, 2006; Tomasello et al., 2005). Although many species engage in joint action, to date evidence suggests only humans possess ​shared intentions that ​flexibly support joint action. Are shared “we-intentions” the key ingredient of human sociality and culture? Do these abilities, or their precursors, exist in other animals but remain undiscovered because traditional experimental approaches cannot reproduce the complex real-world ecologies that may reveal such abilities. This project addresses these important challenges by combining rich virtual reality virtual mini-worlds (VR) with state-of-the-art behavioral analysis based on novel computational models that embody distinct theoretical assumptions about mechanisms of learning and cooperation.
Humans, apes and computational agents can rapidly learn VR (Dolins et al., 2014; 2017). Capitalizing on the highly parameterizable and generative nature of VR, we want to study social-problem solving in apes, humans (including children) and artificial agents across multiple episodes and environments varying in both visual and ecological realism. Our first aim is to answer the essential question about we-intentions and its role in the distinctiveness of human cooperation. Controlled, systematic, and repeated exposure to multiple environments will uncover the motivational and cognitive architecture underlying agents’ responses, and how those develop.
Our second aim, inspired by our findings on natural intelligence, is to develop artificial agents with diverse learning and planning capacities, enabling a model-based fine-grained analysis of ape and human social behavior. Analyses through models reverse-engineers the underlying capacities, allowing us to characterize the nature and development of representations and computations across species. Our goals are to create cooperative AI agents and models as mirrors of human, chimpanzee and bonobo capacities that will expose previously-hidden aspects of potential distinctiveness. We will treat artificial agents as a distinct form of intelligence, comparing their types of errors and successes with those of natural agents confronted with the same situations. These analyses will characterize gaps between human, ape and artificial social intelligences, potentially illuminating ways of bridging those disparities.
As the precision of our theories and models increases, our third aim is to test hypotheses derived from primate fieldwork. Field data are often difficult to collect, interpret, or manipulate experimentally (e.g., predator-prey). We will use VR to manipulate key environmental aspects to resolve long-lasting debates, whether chimpanzee cooperative hunting is based on a pre-planned division of labor or an individually-driven opportunistic strategy, or how shared knowledge of foraging sites modulates agents’ responses during cooperation and competition. As our testing environment sophistication increases, we anticipate these will replace traditional tasks; preliminary results suggest that VR tasks require less initial training, the stimuli are less abstract, thus are more ecologically valid.
Our team’s unique interdisciplinary composition (comparative, developmental, artificial intelligence) enables an ecologically-grounded, deep and iterated intellectual investigation. Our new tools will generate rich empirical data from humans, apes and artificial agents that once captured by novel AI models will generate important theoretical advances in social intelligences, which in turn will help us develop new environments and experiments aimed at gathering additional data to further refine our theoretical models about cooperation.
Big Questions
Our project focuses on searching for evidence of intentional cooperation in humans and our closest living relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos. More specifically, we aim to identify the motivational and cognitive components of joint action with we-intentions: two or more individuals acting simultaneously toward shared goals, a fundamental component of social intelligence. Joint action appears ubiquitous in the animal kingdom (Duguid, et al., in press). But the ambiguity attending observational data, the challenges of controlled experimentation with primates, and the lack of rigorous theoretical models, together leave a fundamental question unanswered: is human joint action qualitatively distinct (Tomasello, et al., 2005; Sanchez-Amaro et al., 2017)? What enabled an anthropoid primate—humans—to go from group hunting of dynamic prey to creating complex civic rules for running governments, with joint actions such as democratic voting? Our project seeks to reverse-engineer human and non-human primate capacities for cooperation, by building a space of computational models of cooperative agents—distinct artificial species with distinct cognitive capacities and motivations—and using these models to analyse behavioral data from virtual-world experiments carefully designed to reveal previously-hidden commonalities and differences.
This project is thus part of the larger, timeless endeavour to understand ourselves and our place in the natural world. To what extent are humans part of nature, or in a sense uniquely apart from it, as observer and stewards of nature? If humans are on Darwin’s “biological continuum”, what are the similarities and differences between humans’ and other species’ cognitive, behavioral and emotional capacities, and their coordination of social interactions and communities? In moral terms, answers to these questions will inform human decisions about other agents' lives, and will deepen understanding of our roles as stewards and compatriots in a larger and rapidly changing ecological web. And as we look to a future with new species of computational minds, the ancient questions about our relationship to nature are profoundly transformed into new and more general questions about our place in a much more expansive and diverse space of cooperating minds—questions that this project begins to prepare us for.
Creative Intelligences Across the Sciences
M. Halina, A. Currie & F.L. Dolins
Creativity is a critically important kind of intelligence that is studied across a wide-range of scientific disciplines—investigations which have largely remained isolated from one another. Creative Intelligence Across the Sciences breaks this isolation by developing a new theoretical framework which serves as a conduit for communication between disciplines, a source for developing new experimental paradigms, and provides insight into the nature of creative intelligence itself. Towards this, we have two aims. First, the production of an accessible academic book which explains the framework and its application across a range of sciences. Second, a review paper targeted to a specific area of science which outlines the advantages of the framework.
Creativity and intelligence are intimately related. Intelligence is not mere brute computing power, but the capacity to direct that power in original, efficient, or surprising ways; that is to say, intelligence is often creative. Creativity is not simply randomness nor the generation of nonsense, but is goal-orientated, guided, and intelligent. Creative intelligence, then, is the capacity to generate novel ideas, to see connections between domains, to come up with new problems and new solutions or to transform concepts, problems and perspectives. Although creativity has been a research focus in philosophy (Gaut & Kieran 2018) and psychology (Adamson 1952), it also plays important roles in comparative psychology (the study of insight in non-human animals, Heinrich 1955), artificial intelligence (the emergence of novel strategies in game-play, Baker & Hui 2017), developmental psychology (the study of novel problem solving in children, Gopnik et al. 2017) evolutionary theory (the generation of biological novelties, Wagner & Lynch 2010, and human evolution, Mithen 2005) and science studies (the relationship between how science is organized, incentivized and revolutionized, Currie forthcoming).
Although the sheer variety of disciplines and contexts in which creativity is studied may seem bewildering, we propose that two abstract notions—‘exploration’ and ‘employment’—provide a common currency for understanding and comparing creativity in its myriad forms. Exploration concerns the gathering of new information, whether a deliberate search for novelty or the random canvassing of a search space (Gershman 2018). Employment, in contrast, concerns the application of knowledge or information to creative endeavors. The explore/employ model takes creativity broadly construed to involve these two logically independent but closely coupled parameters.
We propose here to produce a book that shows how the explore/employ model synthesises work on creativity across a wide range of fields. The history of human thought contains many frameworks with wide applicability across diverse and distinct phenomena, and whose introduction underwrote bursts of research: Darwinian principles find applications in immunology (Litman & Cooper 2007), machine learning, and neurobiology, while game theory has been applied with stunning success to cases as varied as economics (Friedman 1986), geopolitics, and evolutionary biology (Nowak & Sigmund 2004). We believe that a similar overarching framework will enable us to find commonalities in creative behaviour between humans, animals, artificial intelligence, and maybe even the history of life. By showing how exploration and employment provide a powerful initial toolset for crafting hypotheses, charting the space of creative intelligences, and drawing meaningful comparisons and lessons across different domains, we aim to stimulate new ideas and investigations across creativity research. This synthesising process will have payoffs, we believe, not merely in explaining different forms of creative behaviour, but by actively contributing to the project of generating and fostering creative environments, individuals, and communities.